Hell in December.
Only 14 days left. Just one weekend before Christmas. Have to buy! Have to run! Have to go and look. At stuff. Stuff. Stuff. And food. Food. Food. Just in case. Food never eaten. Food not even liked. A waste.
Cars everywhere. Headlights dazzle and stun me. People are too close, too near, too full of frantic entitled energy. Please, just give me some room, some air! I’m in a dizzying circle of voices, beeps, engines.
December. It’s the 12th month, and yet we end the year with a dreadful need to buy nonsense. Tat and plastic and packaging. The crazy blur of movement builds to a frantic pace until… Stop! It’s Christmas Eve. Shops close. Lights dim. Cars are parked.
And I can breathe again.