A Poem About The Queen Honey Bee
We are more aware of bees probably now more than ever. We realise that we are to blame for their decline, and that only we can stop it. Few of us really get to observe a bee hive, and only bee-keepers get access to the secret life of the hive. I wrote this poem about the life of the ‘Queen.’
The hum of the hive,
The sound of a live wire,
Bringing energy to the Queen
So that she can pump out more and more Workers
To keep the cause well stocked and running.
Her daughters are servants;
They are her prison guards,
Keeping her fed, nourished, warm, comfortable,
In a golden castle
Well stocked with manna.
She brought them here
And birthed and fed just enough of them
To begin the colony.
If she can breed, produce, live and serve
They will let her exist.
She is their queen by name.
They serve her, but they also harvest her.
Her body is a factory:
She is a production line
Making 3000 new lives every day.
Be careful, Honey Queen!
Let them feed you, let them care for you,
For when your factory runs out of material
They will quickly replace you.
Regicide will make way for a new Queen.